Presentiamo qui due tipi di fonts per leggere l'ebraico e il greco sul web, presi da Bible Works e da Scholar's Press.


1. Scarica i singoli file: bwgrkl.ttf, bwgrkn.ttf, bwhebb.ttf


BibleWorks Greek and Hebrew fonts

Any use of the BibleWorks fonts is permitted as long as the font files are not sold or modified, and as long as BibleWorks LLC is openly acknowledged as the copyright holder.

The official copyright notice for the BibleWorks fonts is shown as follows:

"BWHEBB, BWHEBL, BWTRANSH [Hebrew]; BWGRKL, BWGRKN, and BWGRKI [Greek] Postscript® Type 1 and TrueTypeT fonts Copyright © 1994-2006 BibleWorks, LLC. All rights reserved. These Biblical Greek and Hebrew fonts are used with permission and are from BibleWorks, software for Biblical exegesis and research."

This copyright notice must be displayed in any distributed works using the fonts, along with a note asking others to comply with displaying and preserving the copyright, if they also distribute any derived publications.


2. Scarica i singoli file: spionic_.ttf, sptiberi.ttf


These public domain TrueType fonts may be downloaded for free. Hebrew, Greek, Syriac and transliteration fonts are available for both Windows and Macintosh.


Come installare i fonts in Windows:

1) Scaricare i fonts nella directory C:\ di Windows (i files sono zippati). 

2) Andare sul pulsante Start e accedere al Pannello di controllo.  Da qui cliccare due volte su Caratteri. Da File aprire la voce Installa nuovo tipo di carattere. Cercare i caratteri da installare nella cartella della directory C:\  di Windows. 


Altre risorse in:

Tyndale House

NT Gateway.

Bible History